2023年07月16日 [クロス張替え]
When choosing wallpaper, it is important to choose a color that takes into account the color of the floor.
Also, did you know that wallpaper colors have different effects? For example, bright colors have the effect of making a room look larger.
There is also a technique of incorporating accent cloth to change the atmosphere by making wallpaper of a different color or pattern on only one side of the wall.
It is better to use 2~3 colors in one room to maintain a sense of unity in the room. You can color various patterns in one room, but it is not recommended for houses because it will be a lively room like a store.
Please feel free to contact us about anything!
When choosing wallpaper, it is important to choose a color that takes into account the color of the floor.
Also, did you know that wallpaper colors have different effects? For example, bright colors have the effect of making a room look larger.
There is also a technique of incorporating accent cloth to change the atmosphere by making wallpaper of a different color or pattern on only one side of the wall.
It is better to use 2~3 colors in one room to maintain a sense of unity in the room. You can color various patterns in one room, but it is not recommended for houses because it will be a lively room like a store.
Please feel free to contact us about anything!